103 Year Old Doctor Harry Freedman is still boogey boarding at the age of 103. And he has done so every day for the past 43 years.

Dr. Freedman, a surgeon on Long Island NY, takes extra time off when the waves are particularly good, or if he has be in court to defend against a malpractice suit.

“Look, I’ll skip surgery for good waves. But I only do knee implants and hip replacements, so patients can wait a day or two until the waves pass.”

He says surfing provides balance to his life.

“When I’m in the ocean, I don’t worry about my legal problems, or the alimony payments to my four ex-wives. So, afterwards, my hands are less shaky during surgery and I make fewer mistakes. Yesterday, for example, I did 5 operations and I had a really good day. I was 2 for 5.”

In 43 years, Doctor Freedman has surfed in all conditions including many hurricanes.

“The worst was Katrina. I thought I’d die that day. So, thank god I was here in New York while it was in New Orleans or I don’t think I’d be still be alive.”

As for Sandy, “Listen, I feel terrible for anyone who suffered, but I caught a 20 foot wave and rode it from Long Beach to Lynbrook. I blacked out partway but managed to keep my balance and woke up at the Lynbrook Diner.”


Doctor Freedman passed away 2 days later after drowning in a hot tub. His patients were extremely upset, as they will no longer have any chance to collect from their malpractice suits.

The 103 year old Doctor Freedman however, continues to work as a funny motivational speaker for corporate events in holographic form.

To Help With Funeral Expenses, Or Just To Check Out His Medical Practice,