If you fly regularly you know the airlines have gone full out on their extra fees. For an additional 60 dollars you can buy a seat with an extra 2 inches of legroom. Another 50 dollars gets you a second suitcase. And, if you want the privilege of early boarding, you’ll pay them for that too.

Buying an airline ticket has become like buying a car. There’s the sticker price and then there’s the hidden fees when you get to the final purchase.

Understand, I’ve always travelled with a lot of stuff. And I don’t like paying the airlines for things that used to be free. So I recently took a physics class at Harvard. So now, I’m able to bring everything I need in one carry-on bag. It’s easy. Just Click above

This video was part of a longer video played at the International Association of Speaker Bureau‘s NY City Conference a few years ago. Okay, it was 9 years ago, but who’s counting.

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