Funny Motivational Speaker Harry Freedman

Public Speaking Doesn’t Have To Be Scary.

by Harry Freedman

*Corporate Comedy Put-ons  *Emcee  *Clean Standup Comedy

A study once indicated that most people are more afraid of public speaking then they are of actually dying. I’m a veteran corporate put-on comedian and standup comedian and I still go through varying degrees of nerves before a show.

But I’ve taught myself how to channel that nervous energy to become better then ever and I think I can help you. Please understand, this advice is not for everyone. If you’re about to testify against the mob for example, your fear of public speaking and dying are actually one and the same so I probably can’t be of much use.

But let’s say you’re asked to make a speech by your boss, and you have no idea how you’re going remain calm.
My standard pre-show approach includes exercise, deep breathing, and hyperventilating until I pass out. When I awake, I’m calm, cool and refreshed and usually in intensive care.

But when I do finally get up to the podium, there’s nothing that can phase me. Do not try this if you have a serious medical condition and be careful not to fall into any hard surfaces or sharp objects.

Make sure you do these exercises at least 2 days before your presentation. Unfortunately, most reputable hospitals will force you to remain overnight for “observation.”