A previous story on this page had this man’s age as 106. It was wrong. After DNA testing and additional study on ancestry.com, it turns out his actual biological age is 119.

Scientists have been unable to provide a full explanation for Dr. Harry Freedman’s amazing youthfulness, but there are some theories. First, Freedman is known to tell jokes at large gatherings. Many doctors believe this has helped his mind remain active and agile.

But not all agree. “That is nonsense,” says Dr. Arnold at the Mayo Clinic. “He’s been practicing on-again off-again fasting techniques that have lengthened the lives of mice in lab tests by 30-40%. “Freedman is scientific proof that the diet works on humans as well.”

But others are not so sure. At Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York, Dr. Baruch Attah Adonoi suggested that it might be something else. “He is a surfer, a medical man, and a consummate wellness practitioner who follows the rules of GOOP. Dr. Freedman uses all the products and health tips put out by Gwyneth Paltrow, the founder of Goop. He lives entirely on Goop food, wears the clothes, and uses all the lotions. In addition, he also takes a lot of hot baths.”

50 Foot Waves?

Whatever the reason for his longevity, Freedman is still going strong. This winter, he plans to travel to Hawaii to surf the big waves of Jaws. If all goes well, he might also try the monster waves of Teahupoo in Tahiti known for crushing surfer’s limbs like stick figures in an animation.

“Why not,” Freedman asks? “I’m only 119. I do get more tired then I used to when I was 110. But I hope to do this for another 20 or 30 years. I don’t believe there are any limits on aging. I just hope I get to be alive when the IWatch 27 comes out, because by that time it’ll probably be worth buying.”

Amazingly, last winter, Dr. Freedman also joined the polar bear club. “I raised $10,000 for lymphona. But I didn’t actually do it in NY, I was in Barbardos. And I’m dedicating my trip to Hawaii to raise money for Diabetes. If anyone is interested in contributing, please contact the good doctor by CLICKING HERE.