By “Doctor” Harry Freedman

As an MD, remember that right now preventative measures are literally the difference between life and death. Obviously, the first thing to stop all handshaking. Unfortunately, as I get older, my hands are always shaking, particularly during surgery. To compensate for this however, I am thinking about wearing surgical gloves from now on.

As far as options for normal 2 person handshaking, early experiments include elbow touching, bowing, and nodding, as a new way to say hello. And sneezing as a way to say goodbye. And holding up a middle finger as a way to say goodbye. High-fiving and fist bumping are also now prohibited by law, and punishable by pinky removal.


Wash your hands no less then 2000 to 3000 times a day. If circumstances keep you from soap and water, rub your hands together superfast to create an Indian burn affect. Full disclosure. This process has not yet been proven with binary testing. But I figure as long as Elizabeth Warren is still healthy, I’m pretty sure it’s true. I also recommend gargling daily with salt water to kills the COVD-19. Even better, a nightly shot of Liquid Prell will disinfect your entire body.

For more of my friendly semi-professional advice:


To See Dr. Freedman in action, click video below.