Comedians in Cars Getting Covid With Harry Freedman & Talia Reese

With Harry Freedman & Talia Reese What is Comedians in Cars Getting Covid? Well, having worked in the past with the creator of the original version, this variation just hit me. And I ran [...]

Middling-Level Govt. Healthcare Advisor: Preventative Tips that Mostly Work.

PREVENTATIVE TIP 1 By "Doctor" Harry Freedman As an MD, remember that right now preventative measures are literally the difference between life and death. Obviously, the first thing to stop all handshaking. Unfortunately, as [...]

Becoming A Funny Fake Motivational Speaker

1. Start Out As A Standup Comedian. by Harry Freedman What's the process for becoming a Funny Fake Motivational Speaker? After 10 years working as a standup comedian, I was on the [...]

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