Middling-Level Govt. Healthcare Advisor: Preventative Tips that Mostly Work.

PREVENTATIVE TIP 1 By "Doctor" Harry Freedman As an MD, remember that right now preventative measures are literally the difference between life and death. Obviously, the first thing to stop all handshaking. Unfortunately, as [...]

Becoming A Funny Fake Motivational Speaker

1. Start Out As A Standup Comedian. by Harry Freedman What's the process for becoming a Funny Fake Motivational Speaker? After 10 years working as a standup comedian, I was on the [...]

Packing a Carry-on Bag. So what happens in Vegas, can come back from Vegas.

If you fly regularly you know the airlines have gone full out on their extra fees. For an additional 60 dollars you can buy a seat with an extra 2 inches of legroom. [...]

I was featured in Meetings And Convention Magazine about making events more fun.

I’m happy to announce I just got a nice write up in Meetings and Conventions Magazine. I think anyone in the meeting industry would find this of interest. And I think everyone else should immediately [...]

My Big July 4th Break – As a Funny Motivational Expert Speaker

When the NY Times Profiled my work as a Corporate Put-on Comedian and Emcee, it made the holiday even better. After 10 years as a standup comedian I was on the road about 150 [...]

Funny Motivational Speakers – Experience Counts

Funny Motivational Speakers Harry Freedman Thinking about Booking a Corporate Comedian? Harry Freedman has been one of the top Funny Motivational Speakers for 30 years. As a result, Harry brings unsurpassed customization and experience. [...]

Hiring a Corporate Comedian

13 Key Factors when hiring a Corporate Comedian by Harry Freedman You can definitely  find tasteful, funny, clean corporate comedy but you have to know what to look for and what [...]

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